Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Woman arrested following fake pregnancy pizza day scam

A woman was arrested in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, on Thursday in an unusual scam that included a fake pregnant daughter and a fictional pizza day, police say. According to police, the woman showed up at a 57-year-old man’s door on the Mountain, under dressed for the weather and in a panic.
Police Constable Steve Welton says she told the man her daughter was in labor, and that she desperately needed a ride to her house. The man didn’t recognize the woman, but assumed she was a neighbor. The two got in the man’s car, and started to drive.
During the drive, the woman told the man it was also pizza day at her son’s school, and asked him to break a $50 bill so she’d have some change to give him. She handed over $50, and he gave her change. Not long after, she asked him to do the same with a $100 bill, police say. He gave her the change, but she never gave him the $100, Welton says.
Instead, she ran off, leaving the man short $100. Officers were able to track down the woman fairly quickly, Welton says, in part because she is “very well known to police.” “This person has a prolific history of intentionally targeting members of our community,” Welton added. A 47-year-old woman was charged with theft by conversion under $5,000, and failing to comply with her probation.

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