Thursday, March 19, 2015

Children at well-to-do neighborhood playground pelted with eggs by noise-hating resident

Children at a playground in the exclusive Potts Point suburb of Sydney, Australia, have been pelted with eggs by a resident of one of the city's most desirable addresses, and police are furious. School children playing in the Fitzroy Gardens playground have repeatedly had volleys of raw eggs hurled at them from 25 meters above ground, as a rogue resident of the Gazebo building shelled them as they played. The latest attack happened on Monday as Hugh McCullum and his seven-year-old daughter Madeleine were at the park, which was packed with babies, toddlers and primary school children.
Mr McCullum said he saw eggs coming from a balcony. “The kids were being a bit noisy,” he said. “Next thing I see this egg out of the corner of my eye come down and land at the top of the slide, so I looked up to see where it had come from.” A second egg followed, making a loud thud as it hit a chalk board. “I saw it being launched from a balcony of the Gazebo building and there was no one on it. Just after they did it, they closed all their blinds,” Mr McCullum said. “It freaked out the kids.”
Kings Cross police said the attack was “incredibly reckless” and that a toddler could have been seriously injured if hit by an egg thrown from such a height. Officers have spoken with a “person of interest” from one of the nearby blocks but no charges have been laid. Superintendent Michael Fitzgerald said he was “filthy” about the egging and police were confident they knew where the missiles had come from. They just needed CCTV evidence.
“We’re hoping that the people ­involved will stop this behavior because it is incredibly reckless,” Supt Fitzgerald said. Police door-knocked and letter-dropped the three unit blocks, warning residents of serious consequences. “If a child was hit they would be up for a serious assault charge or grievous bodily harm,” Supt Fitzgerald said. Kings Cross Parents and Carers Group convener Claudia Bowman said there had been a history of residents who were anti the playground. A City of Sydney spokeswoman said it had received complaints from a Potts Point resident about noise from the playground.

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