Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Elderly lady lay under bus for six hours in protest after losing life savings to con men

An elderly Chinese couple who discovered they had lost their life savings to con men staged a protest in which the wife ran out into the road and climbed under a bus, leaving her husband standing next to it with a sign demanding the money be returned. The woman, named as 68-year-old Cui Ma, and her husband Shao, 72, said they had given the money to con men who had made off with it.
They said they were staging a public protest to make people aware of the fact that they were victims, and demand the money back. Police spokesman Shen Mai confirmed that the protest had caused major traffic disruption after the woman climbed under the bus at a set of traffic lights in the city of Tianyuan, in northern China’s Shanxi province.
He said: "There were several attempts to get her to come out, but she always crawled away from rescuers and refused to move until her husband had been given the money they lost." The couple said they had lost some £2,000 but did not specify how they had been tricked.
Eyewitness Ni Li, 30, said: "They were understandably pretty upset about what had happened to them and were insisting that society as a whole should pay them back. After six hours I think they realised they were not going to get it, and the woman crawled out from under the bus and policemen took her to hospital with her husband for a check-up." Police confirmed that no charges will be made against them.

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