Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jaws of life used to free dog that got itself stuck between two heavy metal storage containers

A dog that got wedged between two large storage containers while playing with children on an elementary school playground in Oceanside, California, was rescued by firefighters on Sunday who used the "jaws of life" to move the heavy steel boxes.
Someone called emergency crews around noon to report that the 12-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback named Spike had wedged himself between the containers at South Oceanside Elementary School, said Oceanside Fire Battalion Chief Pete Lawrence.
At first, crews from the Carlsbad Fire Department went to the school but they were unable to move the heavy containers so they summoned a ladder truck from Oceanside Fire Department.
Firefighters were able to move the containers about six inches, providing enough room for the dog to free himself, Lawrence said. After turning off their equipment, Spike's owners were able to coax the dog to safety.

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