Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Kidnap Victim Reunited With Family 17 Years Later After Chance Meeting With Sister

A 17-year-old South African girl named Zephany who was kidnapped from the hospital at birth was located after she unknowingly befriended her sister at school. Zephany's biological parents told the press that they celebrated their missing daughter's birthday every year and prayed for her return. According to ioL News,  
"Zephany grew up with a different name, and a different family, never knowing she was not their real daughter. But last month her biological sister, Cassidy Nurse, started Grade 8 at the same school that Zephany attended, and fellow pupils noticed a startling resemblance [between the girls].
When Cassidy told her parents about the...girl, hope began to strengthen in their hearts after 17 long years.
The Nurses invited the girl for a cup of coffee, under the pretence that they wanted to meet Cassidy’s friend. When they too saw the striking similarities between the girls, MornĂ© Nurse contacted the police."
Read more on this story at the New York Times. 

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