Monday, March 16, 2015

Man beaten with penis enlarger after men broke into his home looking for drugs

Two men broke into a man’s home looking for drugs but ended up battering their victim with a penis enlarger. Steven Graham, 24, and Ryan Gandy, 25, pushed their way into William Hughes’ home in Leith, Edinburgh, and beat the man over the head with the device. The two raiders also slashed Mr Hughes’ face with a kitchen knife before attacking him with the plastic object. Mr Hughes was “pinned to his settee” by the two thugs as they scoured the flat looking for quantities of heroin and cash.
But when the homeowner told them there was no drugs in the house the pair turned on their victim with violent Gandy threatening to poke out his victim’s eye with the large knife. Mr Hughes suffered cuts to his face and legs and bruising to his head during the attack. Graham and Gandy, both described as prisoners at Saughton, were jailed for 27 months each for the horrific attack at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Tuesday.
Fiscal depute Ann McNeill told the court the pair arrived at Mr Hughes home at around 5.30pm on November 26 last year. Ms McNeill said: “The accused asked if Mr Hughes had heroin and he said he had none. They pinned him on the settee and punched him in the face several times. Mr Gandy [then] brought the knife across Mr Hughes’ face but as the knife was blunt only a scratching resulted. During the search of the flat they came across a number of sex toys, one of which was used to strike Mr Hughes across the head.”
The court was then informed the sex toy used as a weapon was a penis enlarger belonging to Mr Hughes. After the pair of robbers had left the flat, Mr Hughes, who was left covered in blood following the attack, then managed to raise the alarm with a neighbor. Graham and Gandy appeared from custody and pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Hughes at his home address by punching him on the head, striking him on the body and head with a knife, threaten to poke Mr Hughes’ eye out with the weapon and striking him with a plastic object and robbing him of a quantity of cash, a wallet and a mobile phone.

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