Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mannequin used to trick taxi driver out of £200 fare

A taxi driver was tricked out of a fare worth hundreds of pounds by a mannequin. The driver who works for CityCabs was hailed for late-night a journey from Brighton station to London. But he was conned out of the fare when he discovered his apparently sleeping passenger was a dummy. CityCabs boss Andy Cheesman said: “Three people got into a cab at Brighton station. It was late at night and they asked to be taken to London.
“When they got to London the first one got out then asked for his friends to be dropped off at a second address. When he got to the second address the guy got out and said ‘my mate’s still asleep, can you take him to his address’.
“When he got there the driver couldn’t wake him up, then he realized it was a mannequin. He was expecting the last passenger to pay the fare so he lost the whole lot.” The fare would have been around £200.

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