Friday, March 13, 2015

Missing dog rescued from middle of icy river

Police and firefighters helped rescue a dog trapped on the ice on the Charles River in Wellesley, Massachusetts, on Sunday morning.
Jared Bartels, the dog's owner, was hiking with his dog, an 8-year-old golden retriever poodle mix named Cooper in Elm Bank on Saturday afternoon. At some point, the dog got spooked and ran off.
Bartels and his friend searched for Cooper on Saturday night and resumed Son unday morning, passing out fliers. A person who saw one of the fliers called 911 and reported Cooper was approximately 40 feet out in the Charles River.

Three firefighters wearing waterproof suits went into icy water to rescue the dog. The rescue took approximately 15 minutes. Authorities said the dog was shivering and scared. Bartels said he was relieved to be reunited with the family dog. He said his three children would have been heartbroken if Cooper was lost.

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