Friday, March 27, 2015

Newly-married man who followed his mother's advice fractured wife's skull with a metal bar

An Egyptian man who knocked his bride out by fracturing her skull soon after their wedding told police he did so at his mother’s request to control his wife.
The unnamed groom said he took his wife to their new home just after the wedding and slapped her three times as his mother told him. “My mother said this would help me control my wife through our marital life.
"She warned me that my brothers are all controlled by their wives because they did not listen to her and hit their brides,” he said. “After I slapped her, she hit me back. I then went to the kitchen and brought a metal bar, which I used to hit her on the head and body.”
Police arrested the man on charges of causing serious injuries to his wife, who suffered from fractures in her skull and pelvis. The bride was still unconscious in her wedding dress when her family visited her in hospital in Cairo.

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