Sunday, March 1, 2015

Parents Get Bright Red Tattoos to Match Their Daughter's Birthmark

Honey-Rae Phillips of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, UK, was born with a string of bright birthmarks stretching from her right foot up her leg and that side of her body. People noticed. Strangers made comments.
Her parents, Adam and Tanya, initially covered up the birthmarks. But then they changed directions. Honey-Rae's birthmarks were not unsightly disfigurements. So they let her wear shorts and other clothes that expose her birthmarks.
And then Adam and Tanya went even further, taking the radical step of having Honey-Rae's birthmark pattern tattooed over their own bodies. The Daily Mail quotes Tanya:
'From the moment she was born, we told Honey-Rae she was beautiful and constantly covered her in kisses.'
She added: 'Some people will says it odd and think what we’ve done is quite extreme, but in our eyes all we have done is ensure Honey-Rae never feels different. Mummy and Daddy now have the same permanent markings as she does.'
The couple already had tattoos on their legs, but none as extreme as the imitation birthmarks.
Now they have had the procedure done, Honey-Rae couldn't be happier - and even points at the tattoos and yells 'match!'.

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