Friday, March 27, 2015

Polar bear spotted swimming a long way from home

Visitors to the the Hibernia oil platform are very rare, but a four-legged guest was all the talk on Monday. Crew aboard the offshore supply vessel Atlantic Merlin got quite the surprise when they spotted a polar bear in the water not far from Hibernia.
The massive oil platform is located in the Atlantic Ocean some 315 kilometers east-southeast of St. John's in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Sources say the bear was swimming far from any sea ice.
It attempted to climb aboard the 600,000-tonne gravity base structure. Margot Bruce-O'Connell, spokesperson for Hibernia's majority owner ExxonMobil Canada, said one and possibly two bears were spotted in the area near Hibernia and the West Aquarius drill rig over the past few days.
Federal and provincial authorities have been notified, Bruce-O'Connell said. Recent studies have shown that polar bears can swim distances of several hundred kilometers.

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