Friday, March 13, 2015

Teenagers arrested for stealing goat to ask girl to prom

Police in Milton, Georgia, arrested several teenagers and charged them with theft for stealing a goat. Police were called out to Bethany Church Road on Saturday night after a man reported suspicious activity outside his home.
The man told police his dog started barking and he saw two unknown vehicles parked on the side of the road. He then noticed four males near his home. The man said he confronted them and told them he had a shotgun.
The man says as the boys jumped into their trucks and took off, he noticed one carrying something large and loading it into the truck as well. Police stopped a white truck matching the description down the road and found a goat inside the vehicle.
The man told them the goat belonged to his neighbor. One teen told police he stole the goat because he thought he would ask a girl to prom by saying “will you goat with me to prom.” The goat’s owner arrived, picked up his goat and told police he wanted to press charges. All four boys were charged with theft of livestock.

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