Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Daily Drift

We Want Waffles ...!
Carolina Naturally is read in 202 countries around the world daily.   
Go on and admit it - You want some ... !
Today is  - Vaffeldagen (Waffle Day)

You want the unvarnished truth?
Don't forget to visit:The Truth Be Told
As you can tell we are a wee bit later than normal in our postings today. We had friends ring us up for an unscheduled dinner and hangout at their place night.
And we forgot to set the automatic posting schedule - we thought we did but we evidently did not depress the 'save' button to complete the process before we turned off the computer and had a wonderful evening with friends.
So imagine our surprise when we turned on the machine to edit tomorrow's posts ...
Anyway, better late than never.
Don't forget to visit our sister blogs Here and Here.

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