Saturday, April 25, 2015

Agoraphobic Woman Leaves Home for Third Time in Ten Years, Falls Down Manhole

A woman suffering from agoraphobia who only left her house twice in ten years found that the third time out definitely wasn't the charm. The 57-year-old woman from Britain who, oddly enough, is named Janet Faal, left home as part of her therapy and fell down a manhole shortly afterward.
According to The Daily Mail, Faal left home in an attempt to help her friend move a pallet that was blocking her car. Once she moved the pallet, Faal plummeted down the open manhole, leaving her with two black eyes and a broken leg. She then waited an hour for paramedics to rescue her from the dark, cramped cavity. Faal said,
"I took a step over – never in my life did I think there was a hole underneath, I thought it had just fallen over. The next thing I remember is the pain. It was awful. I fell and smashed my face on the pallet, and I was in the hole with blood all over me and I couldn’t move."
Read more on this story at The Daily Mail.

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