Sunday, April 26, 2015

Cafe apologizes to woman who found sink plug in her Hog's Breath salad

The cafe has apologized to a customer in Brisbane, Australia, after she found a sink plug in her salad. Hog's Breath Cafe Australian general manager Ross Worth said the company had been in contact with the woman and apologized.
He said food hygiene was a top priority for the company and they had notified local health authorities about the incident which happened at the weekend. Mr Worth said the plug had come from a sanitized ice food bath that was designated for fresh produce such as lettuce and tomatoes to be washed in.
"On that day the staff members have pulled fresh produce out of the bath and accidentally pulled the plug with it," he said. "The business owner has re-trained his staff on the right processes to make sure this doesn't ever happen again." Mr Worth said plugs would be chained to the ice baths to prevent them from being dislodged.
The customer also claimed kitchen staff "thought it was funny" when they were told of the errant plug. "I can't comment if they were laughing - I would guess not," Mr Worth said. "It's not a laughing matter, and I'd like to think they wouldn't laugh."

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