Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chinese Government Cracking Down on Funeral Strippers

The Chinese Ministry of Culture announced Thursday that the government and police will join forces to stop the popular practice of hiring strippers for funerals to entice more mourners to attend. After pictures circulated online of a funeral in the city of Handan in which a dancer took off her bra with children in the audience, the Ministry of Culture denounced the behavior as obscene and warned that a crackdown would follow. To flex their muscle on the issue, they revealed that after the Handan funeral, the people responsible for hiring the dancers were fined 70,000 yuan (approximately $11,300 USD).The Chinese believe that one measure of the deceased is the number of people who show up at their funeral. As a result, large, flashy funeral processions that look more like parades with music, bands and dancers (as in the screen shot above) are common. Hiring exotic dancers and strippers for funerals is also popular in Taiwan, which is where the video footage below was shot by National Geographic.
Video Link
Read more on the topic at the Wall Street Journal.

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