Friday, April 3, 2015

Coyote spotted on roof of New York bar

People in Queens did a double take on Monday, when a coyote was spotted roaming along the roof of the LIC Bar in Long Island City.
Many people spotted the animal roaming on the bar’s roof before it ran into a broken window of an abandoned building next door as police officers tried to catch it.
An animal control officer searched the scene, but the only coyote he could find was jazz musician Coyote Anderson. Yes, that is his real name. “My name is Coyote Anderson,” Anderson said.

“Believe it or not, my parents named me Coyote Anderson Moore.” Of all the nights that Anderson’s jazz quartet could have a gig, it was on the night that LIC Bar received its unexpected visitor. “We couldn’t be blessed with a better omen,” Anderson said. He said he was dedicating a song or two to the creature.

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