Sunday, April 5, 2015

Eight Italian Travel Tips for Visiting America

Before traveling to Italy for the first time, I was only given one piece of advice that I can remember: be prepared for Italian men, for they are aggressively flirtatious and handsy. It turned out to be great advice. As I wasn't armed with any more key pieces of information about spending time there, I winged it the rest of the way through.
But what of these bits of Italian advice to travelers who are planning their first trip to the United States? A list at Mental Floss features the following "heads up":
8. AMERICANS ARE IGNORANT, BUT NICE. Of course not all Italians think Americans are nice. Yahoo poster bg says that “The average American has a low level culture and education, most only know English and that inadequately. With the excuse that they are the first country in the world, their arrogance does not allow them to recognize that there are other cultures. The strength of their culture is sports, junk food and Hollywood.”
But, as poster Alessandro notes, “The ignorant are everywhere, but at least in the U.S. they are friendly.”
See eight other Italian tips for those traveling to the United States here.

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