Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Father and son are extremely proud of their handmade wooden car

An innovative wooden car made by a father-son duo has been attracting visitors in Patiala, south eastern Punjab, northern India. Powered by a Maruti 800 engine, the entire body has been carved out of teak.
The petrol-driven car stands out because of its design. The brains behind the unique car, Amandeep Singh owes it to his carpenter father. Amandeep said he encountered a major problem when he had to fit in the engine.
But their persistence paid off and their happiness knew no bounds when it first hit the roads. The father-son duo had to put in 12 hours daily for two months to complete the car, which cost 400,000 rupees (£4,400, $6,400).

But driving down the lanes of Patiala in the new car with people looking with awe makes their day. Mohinder Singh, a seasoned carpenter, gave the perfect shape to the car conceived by his son.

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