Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Flaming cannonball set fire to historic boathouse

A historic thatched boathouse at Warwick Castle went up in flames after it was hit by a flaming cannonball launched from a wooden trebuchet.
The launch.

Sparks from the cannonball, which was fired from the huge 22-tonne wooden trebuchet, ignited the roof of the 119-year-old boathouse. Rescue crews, including 30 firefighters, dashed to the scene of the blaze which broke out shortly after 5.45pm on Thursday.
Families watched in disbelief as the thatched roof caught fire after the final launch of the trebuchet. Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service confirmed that they sent three fire engines to tackle the blaze.
The aftermath.

The boathouse in happier times.
It is not believed anyone was injured in the blaze and the castle was unaffected by the fire. The historic boathouse which was destroyed in the blaze dates back to 1896.

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