Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Huge menagerie including a leopard, lemurs and monkeys found in suitcase at Russian airport

Customs officers at Domodedovo Airport near Moscow, Russia, intercepted a huge array of rare animals stuffed inside a suitcase on Wednesday. A Russian woman was returning from Indonesia via Qatar.

When the suitcase was put through an X-ray machine it become clear that it was a non-standard cargo. Inside were 55 different kinds of snake, 35 lizards, turtles, six lemurs, two monkeys, two baby crocodiles and a baby leopard. The animals were stuffed inside tiny boxes and plastic containers, and the snakes in cloth bags.
The owner of the frightened, dejected cargo calmly explained that she had bought the animals at an Indonesian market, paying a total of about $200. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, most of the animals are protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Ministry officials also said that they will press for criminal proceedings to be instigated against the woman if the information about the smuggling of wild animals is confirmed. If convicted she faces up to seven years in jail. All of the animals, apart for two baby crocodiles that were dead, were taken to a nearby animal shelter.
There's a large photo gallery here.

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