Friday, April 10, 2015

Human-Powered Theme Park

Ai Pioppi is what happens when a man building playground equipment gets carried away in his creativity. The restaurant’s playground has thrill rides for people willing to push, pedal, or otherwise put in their own power to make them run. It doesn’t look at all safe, and indeed, Tom Scott (previously at Neatorama) ended up with seven stitches in a fall, but Ai Pioppi isn’t in the litigious United States. It’s in Treviso, Italy. Watch as Tom and a friend pedal their way around the “bicycle of death." He says,
Thank you so much to everyone at Ai Pioppi: I'm sorry for bleeding on your ride, and for pronouncing your restaurant's name terribly. Thanks to Paul, who drove me to the hospital; thanks to the doctors and nurses at Treviso Hospital, too. And Europeans: remember to take an EHIC card on holiday around Europe, so your healthcare travels with you. I didn't have to pay a penny or deal with travel insurance!

And more than that: if you do go, and I recommend you do if you're ever anywhere near it: TAKE CARE. Even when you're on an adrenaline high and you think you're invincible. I wasn't. You won't be either. Hospital visits in a foreign language aren't fun!
You may experience some vertigo, but it won’t be nearly as much as these guys experienced. 

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