Friday, April 3, 2015

Intoxicated Good Samaritan found attempting to give kiss of life to inflatable dinghy

A good, but very drunk, Samaritan spent the night in prison after police found the man trying to breathe life into an inflatable dinghy in Brittany, western France.
The 22-year-old man was found by police in a shipyard just after 4am on Sunday in the western town of Vannes. Officers noticed the man kneeling by an inflatable boat and went to investigate.
"He was underneath a boat, on his knees, trying to resuscitate a rubber dinghy," local police said. The man told officers that someone was unconscious inside the vessel, but upon closer inspection officers discovered the young man was instead performing CPR on the inflatable boat itself.
To make matters worse, he had already called out firefighters to the scene, an emergency call that the police promptly cancelled. Police took the man to prison to sleep off his hangover and recover his senses.

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