Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Scythe Versus Weedwhacker

For thousands of years people have been mowing their overgrown fields and reclaiming the land with a little help from their trusty scythe. The scythe made reaping, mowing and cropping plants a breeze, and it was so stupidly simple to use that anybody capable of swinging a scythe could help out with the yardwork.
Along came the string trimmer, also known as the brushcutter, weedwhacker or weed eater, which failed to fully surpass the scythe in terms of functionality and gave us a new set of problems we didn't have with the scythe.
This footage from the 2010 South West Annual Scythe Festival proves three things- weedwhackers suck at whackin' weeds, a British Scythe Champion earns his title the hard way, and we should go back to using scythes because they look way cooler and they're way more efficient!

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