Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Teenage Minecraft Player Admits To Three Swattings

For most people prank calling means ordering a pizza for an unsuspecting neighbor or calling a bar and asking for Amanda Hugginkiss, but for one little Minecraft obsessed prankster crank calls simply aren't enough.
This kid likes doing two things above all- playing Minecraft and swatting his foes, meaning he got SWAT teams to kick in the doors of those he felt had wronged him in real life and in the Minecraft universe.
The thirteen year old, whose name has been withheld due to his age, used phone spoofing software to call in anonymous threats that resulted in SWAT teams being deployed to three different addresses.
The targets were a classmate and teacher from his school in Ventura County, California, and a player he considers his arch-enemy in Minecraft, who lives in Ocean City, New Jersey.
Two questions come to mind after reading this story- how does a Minecraft rivalry become so overblown? and can you really get the SWAT team to show up at somebody's house with a threatening phone call?

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