Thursday, April 9, 2015

Three-year-old boy died after being beaten by bakery owner for scratching his counter

A childish mischief of scratching the counter of a bakery in New Delhi, India, proved fatal for a little boy as the owner allegedly beat him up and, when the boy became unconscious, locked him inside the counter causing his death, police said. The owner of the bakery, identified as Md Iliyas, and his brother Md Iqrar, then packed the body in a plastic bag and dumped it at an isolated place, police said.
Both of them have now been arrested for the gruesome crime. “The incident came to light on Wednesday evening when Rahees Ahmed reported that his 3-year-old son has gone missing from Rani Garden in Geeta Colony. We registered a case and an investigation was started. The body of the child was recovered in a plastic bag from an isolated place the next day,” a senior police officer said.
According to police, at first glance, it looked to be a premeditated crime committed in a professional manner. Several raids were conducted at different places. “During the investigation, more than two hundred persons were examined. A tip-off was received that the boy was last seen at a bakery in Rani Garden. When a police team reached the spot, no counter was found there,” the officer added.
Md Ilyas was questioned and and soon revealed that he had slapped a child who was scratching the bakery counter with a stone. Police claimed Ilyas confessed that the boy suffered head injuries and became unconscious. “Ilyas then put him inside the counter and closed the door. The child succumbed to his injuries,” the police officer said. Police have recovered the bakery counter and the vehicle which was used to take the body to the dumping ground.

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