Friday, April 3, 2015

Turkish beekeepers to get bear insurance

Turkish beekeepers can now get insured for bear attacks on their hives. Beekeepers across the country from now on will be able to tap into the Agricultural Insurance Pool (TARSİM).
Turkey Beekeepers Union President Bahri Yılmaz said that their efforts to get bear attacks on beehives included in TARSİM had succeeded. For years, beekeepers in the east and southeast Anatolia had been complaining about the significant monetary damage caused by bear attacks without any compensation, Yılmaz said.
"No matter what they did, bears were able to damage the hives. Some tried to hang the hives high up the trees. Some used live wires. However, nothing worked. Bears were able to destroy the hives no matter what we did. From now on, beekeepers will be given TL 175 (£45, $67) per hive destroyed," he added.
Neşet Nuhoğlu, a beekeeper from Ordu on the Black Sea coast, said he was glad hives were covered by TARSİM. "The law bans the shooting of wild bears. That's why this insurance is very important." Another beekeeper from Ordu, Murat Şahinkaya, said they would continue to protect the hives but the insurance covering bear attacks would allow them to sleep better at night.

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