Sunday, April 5, 2015

Woman being strangled with bra fought off attacker with ceramic chicken

Police in Lexington, Kentucky have arrested a 31-year-old woman after she strangled a stranger with her bra. "I thought I was going to die,” said the victim, Patricia Leece.
She survived the bizarre attack but the 61-year-old says it will take a long time to recover. Her face is bruised and scratched, her arms are scraped and she is missing patches of hair. "It happened at about 12:30 the other night. Someone came to my doors, banging, screaming and hollering." Leece says she opened the door to her home because she thought it was her granddaughter.
Instead, she says that the woman standing there was Ashley Sies. Leece says Sies old pushed her way inside and wrapped her bra around her neck. "She choked me down and we fought for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Finally I saw one of my (ceramic) chickens on the floor so I picked it up and started bashing her on the head with it," Leece explained.

After she knocked her out, she called police. Investigators say Sies appeared to be on drugs and thought she was being followed when she showed up on Leece's porch early on Monday morning. "She was going door to door hoping someone would let her in. Of course it was me," said Leece. Sies is charged with first-degree burglary but more charges could be on the way because Leece says she will press charges.

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