Thursday, May 28, 2015

Anger over kitchens on first floor of new homes

Internal changes to a new housing development have created tension between a developer and neighboring residents. Developer Bramber Construction Co Ltd has built four three-story houses in Shoreham, West Sussex, with kitchens located on the first floor. The original planning application for the site included kitchens on the ground floor of the properties and the changes were made before an amendment application was submitted. Angry residents have hit out at the developer’s conduct and believe if the internal layout of the houses is not changed back it will make a mockery of the planning system.
Jose Enticknap, 59, said: “I think this sets a precedent. If we’re told the developer can do what they want where do we stop? I’m gobsmacked with all of it really.” The development backs onto Mrs Enticknap’s Grade Two listed house. Concerns include overlooking, additional noise, smells and disturbance. Mrs Enticknap and her husband Kevin said none of the above were issues in the approved application. The couple have lodged a formal complaint against Adur District Council for ‘neglecting their duties in overseeing the development being built to the agreed plans put in place by Adur planning office’. Bruce Williams, chairman of Bramber Construction Co Ltd, lives in Shoreham and said there was ‘no way’ he would be party to something he should not be doing.
“The whole thing is unbelievable,” said Mr Williams. “We were advised to put them on the first floor by local agents who had quite a few people interested who wanted kitchens on the first floor. It costs more money to put them on the first floor. We are incredibly disappointed actually that it’s got to this stage.” The Shoreham Society had planned to present Bramber Construction Co Ltd with a plaque for the development being ‘exemplary’, but it will now withhold the award. Gerry Thompson, an architect and member of the Shoreham Society’s building and planning sub committee, called the alteration ‘significant’ and said the society objected to developers applying for retrospective planning approval. He said: “The developer has not built in accordance with planning approval. We are very strongly against that.”
Mr Williams submitted an application for variation of an approved application to Adur District Council on March 27. A council spokesman said: “The council is currently negotiating with the developers to reduce the amount of overlooking caused by relocating the kitchens to the first floor of this development.” He said the council relied on developers to build in accordance with approved plans, and for them to notify the council if internal layout elements are changed. The spokesman continued: “The developer has submitted a retrospective planning application for these amendments and the application will be assessed on its planning merits, having regard to all representations received from adjoining occupiers. The council remains hopeful that a compromise solution can be found to address the concerns of neighboring properties.”

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