Friday, May 1, 2015

Jail sentence for man caught drunk driving four times in 30 hours

John Lourenco, 53, was arrested four times for DUI in September 2014 - three times in Cumberland, Rhode Island, and once in Providence.
All of those incidents took place in a little more than 24-hours. The judge sentenced him on Monday to four-years in prison. He'll be required to serve two of those, and the rest will be suspended with probation.
On top of alcohol counseling and prison time, Lourenco, who lives in Cumberland, is also facing a fine of more than $3,000 and a two year loss of license for each of the four incidents once he's released. At his sentencing, Lourenco said he's has taken steps to address his addiction.
News video from the time of Mr Lourenco's initial arrest.

Lourenco told the court he's now been sober for more than seven months. "I'd like to offer my deepest apology to the family and lives that I affected in September when I relapsed and went into a blackout for 30 hours,” he said. “And I thank the Lord nobody got hurt." Once he eventually gets his license back, he'll have to use an ignition interlock device in his car for another five years.

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