Thursday, May 21, 2015

Kebabs: Skewers 23 Tantalizing Ways

Sambal chicken skewers, with a spicy, sticky glaze made of brown sugar and Sriracha  
Nothing says summer eating like grilling on skewers. Shish Kebab has ancient roots in the Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean and South Asia in the days of Homer and the Mongol Empire. Traditional lamb skewers have since been supplemented with unlimited options from all food groups.
This article is full of delicious kebab ideas. Select your favorite, place some seasoned or marinated meat, vegetables, fruits or a combination on skewers, then once grilled to perfection, bring them inside and serve over a bed of salad, rice or noodles for a delicious meal that's filling and keeps well as leftovers.
Thai-Style Grilled Pork (Moo Ping)

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