Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Man fined after being found guilty of calling policeman a frying pan

A 37-year-old man from St. Paul’s Bay in Malta has been fined €850 (£615, $970) and conditionally discharged for a year after being found guilty of offending a police officer when he called him “a frying pan”.
Patrick Sciberras was arraigned before Magistrate Charmaine Galea on Friday afternoon on charges of insulting a police officer, offending public morals, giving false details to the police, breaching the peace and relapsing.
Prosecuting Inspector Godwin Scerri told the court that Mr Sciberras had told a traffic policeman “hawn ja frying pan” (“Hey you frying pan”) as he drove past him on his motorcycle. However, Mr Sciberras denied calling him that, admitting that he had consumed “a couple of drinks”. He said he remembered the traffic policeman radioing for assistance and there was “a commotion” when Rapid Intervention Police arrived on the scene.
Defense lawyer Franco Debono said the entire issue was over an “exaggerated reaction to a perceived insult”, saying that there was no need to involve the RIU or the district police. The accused apologized and said he retracted anything which could have been perceived as an insult. The court, however, found him guilty of the charges, conditionally discharging him for a year and fining him €850.

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