Friday, May 15, 2015

Mother unhappy that daughter is required to perform naked in order to pass art class final

A professor at the University of California, San Diego, is having his students take their final exam completely in the nude, and he says he's been doing it for years. A mother of one student in the class is completely outraged that her daughter is asked to perform naked.
“It's just wrong. Is this the memory that my daughter's going to carry with her for the rest of her life? It bothers me. I’m not sending her to school for this. How terrible. This sucks. This is just wrong. And to blanketly say you must be naked in order to pass my class, it makes me sick to my stomach,” the unidentified mother says.
Students are required to create “a gesture that traces, outlines or speaks about your ‘erotic self(s),'” according to the Art Visual course syllabus. In the performance, all of the students are naked, along with the professor, Roberto Dominguez, who has taught the class for 11 years.

“It’s the standard canvas for performance art and body art,” Dominguez says. “It is all very controlled. If they are uncomfortable with this gesture, they should not take the class.” Professor Dominguez adds that he has never before received a complaint.

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