Monday, May 18, 2015

Patient police waited 23 days for drug dealer to use toilet

Patient police officers waited 23 days for nature to take its course after a drug dealer stopped in Colchester, Essex, hid 44 wraps of heroin and crack cocaine in his bottom. Sy Allen, 30, was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class A drugs on March 31 after police stopped the blue Mercedes hire car he was driving.
He was detained for a drugs search but officers became suspicious that he was hiding something in his body. Officers taking part in Operation Saturn, an Essex Police task force tackling London-based gangs and drugs operating in north Essex, had telephone evidence suggesting Allen was involved in drugs offences. Allen, of Wood Green, London, initially objected to medical examinations and refused to eat or drink for three days, though by April 5 he began eating and drinking fresh food and snacks.
He remained under constant supervision throughout the whole time and was visited by a doctor every day, but refused to accept medical help or go to the toilet until he became unwell. Colchester magistrates three times gave police permission to keep Allen in custody for eight days at a time to allow him to pass what he was hiding. Eventually Allen was taken to hospital on April 22 when became unwell. Doctors retrieved 24 wraps of heroin and 20 wraps of crack cocaine from his body, valued at about £980, at which point Allen was charged.
He pleaded guilty to both charges at Chelmsford Crown Court on Tuesday and was jailed for 32 months. Detective Sergeant Andrew Stott, from the Op Saturn team, said: “Allen’s behaviour showed the lengths some criminals will go to to conceal evidence, putting themselves at risk of serious health implications. This case demonstrated patience and excellent evidence gathering by the Saturn team and sends a strong message to those seeking to bring drugs into Essex, that we will do whatever is necessary to ensure that we catch and convict them.”

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