Thursday, May 14, 2015

School band teacher put on administrative leave for having facial hair he says he can't shave

A small school band teacher in Texas is fighting for his job after being placed on administrative leave for having facial hair. The school district says it goes against their policy, the teacher, Darrington White, says he has a medical condition that doesn't allow him to shave. The Christoval ISD band may only have a couple dozen members, but it's one that parents and residents say has excelled and has turned award winning. "I'd have to say Mr. White has been the most experienced and has made the band progress very much while he has been here, and I couldn't have asked for a better band director in my Junior and Senior year," said Christoval band student Dusty Strickland.
But for the past month, the band has been without a director. "I was recently, on April 15th placed on administrative leave," said Christoval Band Director Darrington White. The reason the school district states is facial hair. "I've never been through this in my entire 31 years of teaching," said White. The school district does have a grooming police that says all staff members involved with student instructions must be clean shaven. However, although White says he would be more than happy to follow the school's dress code, a medical condition called Tinea Barbae does not allow him to shave. "It kind of itches and hurts after shaving and it stays with me, then it gets worse and worse, then I have scars on my face," said White.
The doctor’s note clearly states Mr. White needs to have a beard, or else all the symptoms he just described would become extremely painful and disfiguring. According the school district the doctor's note isn't enough because they say the impairment “doesn't limit a major life activity or operation of a major bodily system.” "It's a situation that is just plain ridiculous because a teacher has a medical condition that prevents him from shaving a very well manicured goatee,” said Christoval Band Supporter Gina Hielckert. Mr. White says teaching music is his passion and has taught at Christoval ISD on and off the field for two years. In that time he has earned three sweepstakes in a row, he says he built the band program and his students say he's played an even bigger role in their life.

"Even though we might have had our differences, I love him to death," said Christoval Band Student Jonathan Hopper. Since Mr. White was placed on administrative leave, his class has been manned by a substitute; students say the change has been frustrating for the band, and a lot less productive. "We have held our own but it sure would have been a lot easier with a teacher," said Dusty Strickland. "My main thing is, I just want to be left alone and allowed to teach. I'm here to teach and be a music teacher; I’m not here for facial hair issues," said White. It has been revealed that two other male employees who work with students have beards as well and have not been placed on administrative leave. School officials would also not comment about that situation.

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