Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sign language interpreter left little doubt about unparliamentary language from sweary politician

New Zealand Member of Parliament Ron Mark uttered a barely audible swear word in the House, but viewers watching Parliament TV's sign language interpreter were left in no doubt about what was said.
The NZ First MP appears to have momentarily forgotten the cameras were pointed his way when he decided to tell the jeering Government benches to "shut the f*ck up".
Anyone who could lip read could easily catch what Mark muttered, but for those left wondering they need only watch the interpreter making a guest appearance as part of Sign Language Awareness Week.

The faux pas went unnoticed by Speaker David Carter at the time, but Mark voluntarily apologized at the end of Question Time, later saying he did not know it was audible.
Many thanks to Daniil, whose friend is the sign language lady.

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