Monday, May 18, 2015

Teenagers lost in trees after taking drugs found 'silently staring off into the sky' following 911 call

Police in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, descended on a park on Tuesday in search of two panicked teenagers who took drugs, got lost and called 911 for help. When a police dispatcher asked one of the young men if there were any landmarks around, he responded that he saw trees.
So the dispatcher tried asking him to shout “Help” to alert the searchers, according to Acting Sgt. Adam Morris. Instead, the man said “Yeah,” in a quiet voice. “Our dispatcher was able to determine they were on something,” Morris said.
The 50-acre wood, called Lackie’s Bush, is thinned by heavy foot traffic from students at a nearby high school. And a noisy road runs beside the park. So it’s “near impossible to get lost in,” Morris said, especially when the sun is up. It was 6pm when the teens’ distress call came in.
The search team, three officers and a dog, made quick work of finding the pair. They were “silently staring off into the sky,” police said. The two refused to tell police which drugs they were using. “They wouldn’t tell us. They said they didn’t know. They just didn’t want to tell us,” Morris said. “I guess they thought they would get in trouble.” The two were taken to hospital as a precaution. No charges will be laid.

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