Friday, May 29, 2015

Terry Sawchuk Is The Face Of Hockey

Hockey is one of the roughest professional sports, and one of the only sports where players don’t have to tell people which sport they play when out of uniform- because their face does all the talking for them!

One face in particular has come to be known as the face of hockey, and that face belongs to Terry Sawchuk, frankengoalie.
Sawchuk started tending goal pre-1966, when players weren't required to wear masks or head protection of any kind. When safety rules were implemented in 1966 LIFE magazine hired a professional makeup artist to recreate many of the facial injuries Terry had sustained during his sixteen years in the game for this eye opening photo.
The other injuries they couldn't effectively recreate include:
"a slashed eyeball requiring three stitches, a 70% loss of function in his right arm because 60 bone chips were removed from his elbow, and a permanent “sway-back” caused by continual bent-over posture."

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