Friday, May 1, 2015

Two men arrested for stealing surface from road

In a literal case of highway robbery, two thieves in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China, illegally stripped the top layer off a 410-metre stretch of road.
The men managed to get the job done in a matter of days, and had just sold the concrete slabs before their scheme was foiled by police. The rural road in Nantong city was constructed in 2008 and was still in perfectly good condition. That's why villagers were surprised to discover that the surface of the road had been removed.
Seeing as the village committee hadn't approved a plan to remove the road, police got down to business to discover how, exactly, the road could've seemingly disappeared almost overnight. Actually, it was two days. That's how long it took for two men, identified as Gu and Yang, to dig out more than 630 tones of concrete slabs with an excavator and truck without anybody noticing.
They'd sold the slabs to a quarry for more than 12,000 yuan (£1,250, $1,950) and were just about to split up the spoils when they were tracked down police, who'd spotted a farm vehicle transporting the concrete on footage from roadside cameras. Gu later confessed to masterminding the plan, saying: "As this road was not often used, I thought I might as well dig out some stuff and make some money." Gu has been detained since his arrest and Yang is out on bail.

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