Monday, May 11, 2015

Underwater fake skeleton tea party found by authorities

The La Paz County Sheriff’s Office and Buckskin Fire Department responded to a report of “found human remains” in the Colorado River in Arizona on Monday.
At approximately 10am, the La Paz County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the area of Cienega Springs boat launch. The reporting person stated that he/she was out snorkeling when they noticed skeletal remains at the bottom of the river.
Sheriff’s Office personnel met with members of the Buckskin Fire Department who sent one of their divers down to investigate. The diver took an underwater camera and video recorded the footage as he saw it.

When Firefighter Foerstner located the alleged remains, he found it to be an underwater tea party with two fake skeletons sitting in lawn chairs. Although the call itself was resource intensive, both the Sheriff’s Office and Buckskin Fire were happy to find that the remains weren’t real and thanked the reporting party for making the call.

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