Sunday, May 17, 2015

Vegetarian man offended by the smell of meat threatened fellow train passengers with knife

A vegetarian man on a train traveling from Traunstein to Munich in Germany went berserk on Sunday, threatening fellow passengers with a knife when he smelt meat wafting from their table.
Eight young revelers between 18 and 20 years old were traveling back from the Traunsteiner Spring festival at around midnight. Two of them had decided to soak up the days frivolities with a kebab bought for the journey home.
But a vegetarian who was also traveling on the train took personal offense at the smell of the meat and immediately started an argument with the young group. The 29-year-old vegetarian at first insulted the young men and women, then threatened them with a knife.
He then slapped the two men who were eating the meat around the head. This was when it became too much for the young group, who then got off the train at Bad Endorf and reported the incident to the police. The indignant vegetarian was arrested by the police in Rosenheim. He will now face charges of bodily harm and threatening behavior.

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