Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wild boar smashed through ceiling of Hong Kong clothing store

A wild boar strayed from its usual rural haunt and into a Chai Wan shopping mall on Sunday night, leading to a four-hour stand-off with police and animal control officers.

The incident began at about 6.30pm, when the 90cm beast was spotted wandering into the Paradise Mall in Heng Fa Chuen and entering a children's clothing store. Two staff members fled as the 25kg animal, said to be a juvenile female, climbed above the store's false ceiling, before punching through it.
Then the creature jumped to the floor and knocked down and bit a mannequin by the door before getting trapped in a changing room. "It just came in out of nowhere, and turned around at the show window," the shop manager said. "It also pushed open the fitting room door and got in ... Pigs are actually not stupid."

About 10 police officers approached and stood on alert. A vet eventually managed to inject the pig with a tranquillizer. It was taken to an animal management center for observation. Many wild boars roam Hong Kong's countryside. They can grow up to two meters in length and have been known to attack humans.

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