Thursday, June 18, 2015

Adventurous Woman Films Her Wild Adventures Around Chernobyl

Strange things have been happening around Chernobyl ever since the 1986 disaster, but those things generally involve nature’s reaction and adaptation to irradiation, such as trees that don’t decay and animal populations that are thriving despite being radioactive.
A few adventurous people have made their way into the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone to study the wildlife and take pictures of the apocalyptic scene, and some Ukranian babushkas still call the area home.
One wild and crazy gal has taken Chernobyl exploration to the next level, a level that would be considered pure madness by many, and thanks to the internet we get to see her madcap adventures on the YouTubes.
She goes by “Bionerd23”, and there's something about the calm and collected way she handles herself while exploring the Chernobyl region that almost makes it look like a fun destination for adventure travel.
And then you hear her Geiger counter start crackling away and you're reminded of just how dangerous those adventures really are...

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