Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Guitarist Plays The Beatles During His Brain Surgery

Anthony Kulkamp Dias, a bank worker and professional guitarist in Brazil, underwent brain surgery. The doctors wanted him to stay awake during it, so Dias played his guitar and sang. The Daily Telegraph (auto-start video) reports that one doctor enjoyed a song so much that he asked for an encore:
“The doctors asked me to repeat one of the country songs so I even had an encore,” Mr Kulkamp told Brazilian news website G1.
As the doctors worked on this brain, Dias felt the effects on this body and performance:
“I played six songs at certain times,” he said. “My right hand was a bit weaker because that was the side that they were operating on. So I stopped and rested. I was interspersing songs and talking with them.”
In the video above, Dias is playing "Yesterday" by Paul McCartney.

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