Thursday, June 11, 2015

KFC employee set fire to trees after he thought he was going to be fired

A 28-year-old Kentucky Fried Chicken employee is facing charges after allegedly setting trees on fire behind the fast food restaurant because the thought he was getting fired. The incident happened on Wednesday in Garfield Township Michigan.
Grand Traverse County Sheriff's deputies say the disgruntled KFC employee was asked to leave the restaurant after arriving at work. Deputies say the female manager asked the employee to leave due to 'employee related issues' and for causing a disturbance.
Deputies say the employee believed he was being fired. After speaking with his manager at around 11am, the man allegedly set fire to several cedar trees behind the restaurant and then left the property. The man returned to KFC at around 1:30pm where he allegedly pushed the manager.
He then went into his manager's unlocked vehicle in the parking lot and took some items, deputies report. The suspect was later found walking around the area and was arrested on charges of arson, breaking and entering into a vehicle as well as assault. Grand Traverse Metro Fire Department was called to put out the fire.

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