Friday, June 19, 2015

Lady suing restaurant after being mistaken for a man and kicked out of the women's bathroom

A woman is suing a restaurant after she says she was mistaken for a man and kicked out of the place. Cortney Bogorad has lived in Detroit all her life and has eaten at Fishbones in Greektown multiple times.
But she hasn't returned since the January 23rd incident, when, she says, she was kicked out of the restaurant's women's bathroom - accused of being a man. Bogorad says she went to use the restroom and a security worker yelled from outside for whatever man is in the restroom to come out now.
“As I came out of the stall, this gentleman, who was a security guard, came in the bathroom, and before I was even completely out of the bathroom he grabbed me by the arms and pushed me up against the wall, told me that boys aren’t allowed in this restroom," she says. "This could have happened to anybody.
“There are lots of females out there with short hair. some people might think we’re boys, but, at the end of the day, we’re not" Bogorad is suing Fishbones, claiming the restaurant violated her civil rights and caused emotional distress. She says, despite the embarrassment she felt after the incident, she is taking legal action so no one else goes through a similar experience. The lawsuit was filed on Wednesday in Wayne County Circuit Court.

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