Friday, June 12, 2015

Lost pigeon given helicopter ride home from North Sea oil platform

A lost pigeon which landed on a North Sea oil platform has been flown back to land by helicopter. The "exhausted" bird was found on Talisman Sinopec's Clyde platform, about 160 miles offshore.
The pigeon, nicknamed Pedro by the workers on board, was flown by helicopter to Aberdeen. It was then taken to the Scottish SPCA's National Wildlife Rescue Center in Fishcross, where it was said to be making a good recovery.
Animal rescue officer Kirsty McQuade said: "It was actually my boyfriend Kevin Mitchell who found Pedro. He crash landed on deck and Kevin managed to catch him and take him inside.
"Pedro appeared to be exhausted and extremely thin so Kevin contacted me for advice. I advised him on what to feed Pedro and he was kept safe in a box on board. It was fantastic that Pedro was able to ride in the helicopter with the crew who were coming back to the mainland and we would like to thank everyone for their assistance."

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