Sunday, June 7, 2015

Student spent 375 hours knitting 4,000ft-long art work with her arms

A student knitted almost 4,000 ft (1.2km) of waste material using her arms as needles for for her final year degree show at Nottingham Trent University's School of Art & Design.
Sandra Charles spent 375 hours, the equivalent of more than two weeks day and night, knitting 350 strands out of thousands of recycled label transfers Ms Charles, 22, from Yeovil in Somerset, got the idea while at a recycling center.
BA (Hons) Fine Art student Ms Charles said: "I wanted to develop my sculpture work and my knitting. I looked at different techniques and saw arm knitting. It's very difficult to describe but basically uses your arms as needles. It took three hours to make each strand at first.
"I got repetitive strain injury at one point and couldn't do any more for a couple of days." Her piece, named Material Disposition, is now on public display alongside a host of other student design works during the 2015 NTU Degree Show at the university's City site.

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