Sunday, July 12, 2015

Dog got too close to newly painted fire hydrant

A little dog in Brampton, Southern Ontario, Canada, got more than he bargained for when he attempted to carry out a time-honored canine tradition on Monday.
Louie, a seven-month-old Shih Tzu, was out for a walk in Springdale with his owner Puneet when he found a choice fire hydrant upon which to mark his territory.
Little did he know, the hydrant had recently received a fresh coat of bright red paint from the city, though there was no sign visible, Puneet said. When Louie went leave his mark, the long-suffering hydrant returned the favor, leaving him with a bright streak of red on his white coat.
After a wash to try and remove the paint, the puppy’s coat retained a hue of pink, Puneet said. The city apologized for the incident, but declined to pay for a grooming, Puneet said. He said the dog will likely get a haircut to snip away the pinkish hair.

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