Sunday, July 5, 2015

Expert contacted to deal with snake in computer that turned out to be a red and black cable

A snake expert got a call in the middle of the night about a snake trapped in a computer which turned out to be a cable.
Geraint "Snakeman" Hopkins, from Llanelli, West Wales, received the call at around 2.30am last week from a worried man from Cardiff who had contacted South Wales Police. The gentleman had bought the computer in Cardiff and believed there was a snake inside it.
Mr Hopkins said: "They wanted me to go to Cardiff, but I am a volunteer and it was really late so I couldn't get there. I asked them if they could send me a picture instead. After looking at the picture the gentleman said he realized it was actually a red and black lead.
"When I told the police they thought I was joking, and then when they realized I was telling the truth, they couldn't believe it." Mr Hopkins said he gets numerous snake call outs of an unusual nature. "It's not the first time I have had a call like this," he added.

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